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Centralised Chemical System

As a learning module tailored for individuals working in food manufacturing companies, this course offers a comprehensive understanding of the centralized chemical system, ensuring that processing areas and machinery are thoroughly cleaned and free of meat residues and bacteria.

The course is structured into three main sections, each covering important aspects of the cleaning process:

  1. Keeping Safe: This section provides foundational knowledge on executing cleaning procedures safely. It covers essential safety measures, including personal protective equipment (PPE) and safe handling practices.
  2. Handling Chemicals: This section guides trainees through a step-by-step process of chemical identification, emphasizing the proper use of PPE and essential actions to be taken in case of eye or skin contact with chemicals. Trainees will learn about chemicals' nature, applications, and benefits.
  3. Storage: This section provides comprehensive knowledge on proper storage and cleaning of respective PPE. It emphasizes the importance of responsible and safe practices.