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3D Game Kit Cutscene

The first sequence transports viewers to a remote military base nestled amidst the exotic alien vegetation of an unfamiliar planet. From an aerial perspective, a fleet of spaceships comes into view. The scene then zooms in, revealing a commander and her loyal adventurer companion preparing for an upcoming mission. The section concludes with the dramatic takeoff of their ship as it embarks on a journey towards planet X.

The second sequence showcases the ship venturing into a secluded region of planet X. Within this area lies a mysterious temple nestled within the expansive ruins surrounding a vast lake. A colossal doorway shimmers with an enigmatic blue light at the far end of the ruins. The ship gracefully glides over the water's surface and ascends the dilapidated temple causeway before settling on the most stable ground near the doorway. This marks the culmination of the cutscene, leaving viewers intrigued and eager for more.