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Death Sphere

Welcome to Death Sphere, a thrilling strategy game where your skills will be put to the test as you navigate within a treacherous sphere and hunt down your twin ghosts. Your objective is to capture as many ghosts as possible within a limited time frame while avoiding any contact with the sphere's surfaces. Touching a surface will result in a speed penalty, so be swift and precise in your movements.

This captivating game was developed as the capstone project during my pursuit of a Master of Human Interface Technology degree, marking my initial foray into the world of game design. The game's user interface (main menu) greets players and provides clear instructions for gameplay. Upon starting the game, players are assigned one of four unique characters to control. Each time a player successfully captures a ghost, their character randomly changes, accompanied by a green screen effect as positive feedback. However, touching a surface triggers a red screen effect as negative feedback, reducing the player's speed.

Prepare yourself for an immersive and challenging gaming experience as you strive to capture ghosts, avoid the sphere's surfaces, and climb the ranks of the score table. Are you ready to embark on this thrilling adventure within the Death Sphere?