Creative Work

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Virtual Human Role-Players

Project Overview
Project Details
Team and Collaboration
Key Responsibilities
  • Research: Conducted an extensive review of scientific papers to lay the groundwork for the experiment and project.
  • Storyline: Organised multiple SLII role-play narratives in a coherent structure using Storyline 360.
  • Hardware Setup: Configured and executed a video see-through-based MR experience using a stereo camera in front of the HMD.
  • Data and Analysis: Collected and analysed data using both qualitative and quantitative tools.
  • Mechanics: Developed interactive elements and user interfaces in C# within Unity.
  • Lighting Setup: Optimised performance through lighting setup and lightmap baking.
  • Animation: Created, rigged and animated the virtual humans using Adobe Fuse CC, Mixamo, HTC Vive equipment and Unity.
  • Optimisation: Addressed performance issues with Unity's profiling tools.

First, while having a fixed set of narratives ensured a consistent training experience, it also limited participant behaviour. Expanding the number of choices poses a challenge for storyline developers, and more elaborate narratives risk becoming unrealistic. Moving forward, we can explore dynamic storytelling techniques to maintain realism while offering more choices. Secondly, creating the role-play scenarios was time-consuming and required the expertise of a subject-matter expert. This collaboration, however, enriched the content significantly. Streamlining the development process and incorporating AI-driven tools could accelerate scenario creation in the future. Finally, the stereo camera used in the study had a limited field of view. It required a lower resolution to maintain a suitable frame rate and avoid cybersickness. Despite these concerns, we successfully implemented a workable solution. Future advancements in depth-sensing cameras and higher resolution capabilities promise to overcome these limitations, enhancing the overall experience.


With support from the findings in our study, we conclude that (1) virtual humans can be as effective as real-human role-players in supporting the practice of leadership skills. (2) The combination of human type (RH, VH) and environment type (RW, VR, and MR) positively impacts training outcomes. Although the differences were not statistically significant, RH and VH role-players made participants feel comfortable and engaged throughout the sessions. Surprisingly, some scores were similar, and even higher, with VHs in computer-generated environments compared to RHs.

In response to identified RHs limitations, VHs still face similar constraints, as they still need to be programmed, so the development of their training experiences may necessarily require the participation of experts, and the computer-generated environments in which VHs operate may also require specific equipment involving additional costs. However, our study has also shown that with adequate context and instructional support, VHs can become invaluable tools, where their human-like appearance, rich configurability, and ease of replication allow them to play a critical role in social skills training.

Additional Information

It's important to note that the media resources displayed here pertain specifically to the VR experience. For a comprehensive understanding of the study, including detailed findings and insights, we kindly refer you to: