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Project Overview
Project Details

GrainCircuit provides a clean, intuitive interface that allows users to organise their bookmarks effortlessly. Its core features include:

  • Bookmarks/Index: Displays all saved URLs.
  • Unsorted: Collects bookmarks that have not been categorised yet.
  • Trash: Stores deleted bookmarks, with the option for permanent removal.
  • Categories: Allows users to create custom categories with color-coding for easy identification.
  • Profile: Allows users to update their profile picture and username.
  • Settings: Provides options for modifying email, password, and deleting the account.
Bookmarks are presented as interactive, rearrangeable cards, each displaying its associated image, title, category, and date. Users can further enhance organisation by adding custom tags to bookmarks. By default, two categories—"Unsorted" and "Trash"—are automatically created for each user, while additional categories can be customised with a unique name and one of eight predefined colours. A search bar helps users quickly find bookmarks by title, category, or tags, and pagination is used to manage large collections.
Team and Collaboration

The development of GrainCircuit was an individual effort, carried out as a part of my capstone project. While no external collaboration was involved, this personal project was instrumental in refining my ability to manage a full-stack development process from concept to completion. Throughout the project, I was responsible for every aspect—from initial design and database modelling to implementing dynamic front-end functionality and testing. This independence allowed me to cultivate a strong sense of ownership over the project and to develop critical problem-solving skills in areas such as UI/UX design, back-end logic, and API integration.

Key Responsibilities
  • Model Creation: Designed and implemented database models to represent the application's data.
  • View Development: Created views to handle user requests and return appropriate responses
  • URL Configuration: Mapped URLs to views for routing logic.
  • Forms Handling: Created and processed forms for user input.
  • Authentication: Implemented user authentication to control access.
  • JavaScript Logic: Wrote JavaScript code to manage dynamic user interactions.
  • AJAX Requests: Enabled seamless data fetching and updates through asynchronous requests.
  • Integration Ensured smooth communication between backend and frontend components.
  • Testing: Developed unit tests to ensure functionality and correctness.

The development of GrainCircuit has been a rewarding journey, reinforcing my understanding of web development principles and their practical application. Utilising Django as the core framework and JavaScript for dynamic interactions, I successfully built an application that met the course requirements, ultimately contributing to the completion of my certification. Key features, including drag-and-drop organisation powered by SortableJS, and API integration for rich content previews, have significantly enhanced the app’s functionality while offering valuable learning experiences. While there remain opportunities for further refinement, I am pleased with the final product and my ability to balance technical proficiency with the creation of intuitive and user-friendly software solutions.